Geoquest Australia Announced as Key Sponsor of GeoAsia8
Geoquest Australia; a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of geosynthetics and geohazard protection solutions.
2025-02-13T00:36:51+00:00January 30th, 2025|Company, News, TA|
Geoquest Australia; a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of geosynthetics and geohazard protection solutions.
2025-02-13T00:35:12+00:00January 23rd, 2025|Company, News, TA|
We’re thrilled to share some exciting news: we have officially changed our name from Reinforced Earth to Geoquest!
2025-02-13T00:42:14+00:00October 8th, 2024|Company, News, TA|
Geoquest Australia is delivering precast concrete and reinforced earth wall solutions designed with local communities in mind.
2025-02-13T01:37:00+00:00October 8th, 2024|Company, News, TA|
DRAINTUBE is a next generation geosynthetic from Geoquest Australia for drainage for infrastructure projects requiring high-performance drainage.
2025-02-13T01:27:21+00:00September 25th, 2024|Company, News, TA|
Geoquest is part of our local communities, contributing to the local economy, providing local jobs and enhancing the social fabric of the area.
2025-02-13T01:21:33+00:00September 24th, 2024|Company, News, TA|
Precast bridge abutment walls cast with 50% SCM concrete mix for the Ison Road Overpass in Werribee; a sustainable first for Victoria.
2025-02-13T03:12:00+00:00September 17th, 2024|Company, News, TA|
Precast Concrete Retaining Walls: Infrastructure projects across Australia are benefitting from an innovative new precast concrete retaining wall system, TechWall™, introduced to the market by Geoquest. TechWall™ delivers significant enhancements in construction safety and speed.
2025-02-13T03:06:45+00:00July 11th, 2024|Company, News, TA|
Technical Paper: Efficient Sub-Surface Drainage in Reinforced Soil Structures with Multi-Linear Geocomposite In this Geoquest paper, we explore the implementation of Multi-Linear Geocomposite DRAINTUBE® as a sub-surface drainage solution.
2025-02-13T03:10:16+00:00July 8th, 2024|Company, News, TA|
High-strength reinforcement geosynthetic, ArmaLynk from Geoquest Australia is a geogrid for the Australian market; a ground-breaking solution for high strength ground stabilisation in infrastructure; used for the construction of roads, bridges, railways, and heavy-duty pavements.
2024-06-27T07:31:10+00:00June 27th, 2024|Company, News, TA|
Geosynthetic drainage solutions: Geosynthetics aren't new to the construction and infrastructure sectors, but there’s plenty of chances to innovate and expand, and a new Geoquest in Australia collaboration is now delivering cutting-edge drainage geosynthetics, known as DrainTube. Mechanical protection, filtration, drainage and leak detection DrainTube is [...]
Geoquest has forged an unrivalled level of expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction. Our technical solutions are defined by four functions corresponding to the purpose of the structure to be designed: RETAIN, CROSS, PROTECT, STRENGTHEN.
Over the last 60 years, Geoquest has been setting the gold standard in reinforced earth structures
and has played an active role in over 100,000 projects around the world.
Soletanche Freyssinet is the world leader in soil, structures and nuclear engineering. The Group brings together unrivalled expertise in construction and engineering. Soletanche Bachy, Menard, Geoquest, Freyssinet, Nuvia and Sixense put their technical excellence at the service of their customers and the performance of their structures.
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