Geoquest has been providing innovative solutions for major infrastructure projects in Australia and New Zealand since 1974.

Geoquest Australia specialises in reinforced backfill applications, soil-structure interaction, precast concrete solutions, advanced geosynthetics and environmental hazard protection.

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Latest News & Media

  • Four female geotechnical engineers working for Geoquest Australia pictured on site in Melbourne, Victoria

Introducing Geoquest Australia

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news: we have officially changed our name from Reinforced Earth to Geoquest!

  • Geoquest Australia Albury, NSW, precast concrete manufacturing site colleagues. Geoquest - Our communities Australia

Our communities – Australia

Geoquest is part of our local communities, contributing to the local economy, providing local jobs and enhancing the social fabric of the area.

Sustainable First: Victoria’s Ison Road

Precast bridge abutment walls cast with 50% SCM concrete mix for the Ison Road Overpass in Werribee; a sustainable first for Victoria.