Geoquest has been providing innovative solutions for major infrastructure projects in Australia and New Zealand since 1974.
Geoquest Australia specialises in reinforced backfill applications, soil-structure interaction, precast concrete solutions, advanced geosynthetics and environmental hazard protection.
Project Spotlight
Precast concrete mast for footbridge in Perth
The Mount Street Footbridge mast manufactured by Geoquest in Perth is a towering statement to the dynamic capabilities of precast solutions.
MSE retaining walls for Melbourne’s West Gate Tunnel
Geoquest Australia designed and manufactured 9,299m2 of TerraPlus® MSE walls for Victoria’s transformative West Gate Tunnel Project.
Supporting Sydney’s transport transformation
WestConnex Rozelle Interchange, NSW: Supporting Sydney’s Transport Transformation: The Geoquest Company Australia is honoured to [...]
Latest News & Media
Geoquest Australia Announced as Key Sponsor of GeoAsia8
Geoquest Australia; a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of geosynthetics and geohazard protection solutions.
Introducing Geoquest Australia
We’re thrilled to share some exciting news: we have officially changed our name from Reinforced Earth to Geoquest!
Mindful infrastructure; designs for communities
Geoquest Australia is delivering precast concrete and reinforced earth wall solutions designed with local communities in mind.
DRAINTUBE: Drainage geosynthetic for construction and mining
DRAINTUBE is a next generation geosynthetic from Geoquest Australia for drainage for infrastructure projects requiring high-performance drainage.
Our communities – Australia
Geoquest is part of our local communities, contributing to the local economy, providing local jobs and enhancing the social fabric of the area.
Sustainable First: Victoria’s Ison Road
Precast bridge abutment walls cast with 50% SCM concrete mix for the Ison Road Overpass in Werribee; a sustainable first for Victoria.