We are ENGINEERS. First and foremost, we are Civil, Structural, and Geotechnical engineers dedicated to providing solutions to our clients

Slope stabilisation nets & rockfall barriers are protection solutions by Geoquest that mitigate the risk of and provide protection against a wide range of natural hazards and geotechnical challenges –  landslides, erosion, rockfalls, debris flow and avalanche phenomena.

Rockfall protection barriers, debris flow barriers, avalanche barriers and slope stabilisation nets offer robust protection for infrastructure, the local environment and communities. Each engineered solution is designed specially to address the needs of each project.

Nets & Barriers



Geoquest: Rockfall Protection, Debris Flow Protection, Slope Stabilisation and Erosion Control

Geoquest is a leading provider of geohazard protection and erosion prevention solutions in Australia. With a 50-year track record of providing expertise in engineering and innovation nationally, we’re facing the challenges posed by climate change and the rising occurrence of climatic events head-on. 

Partnering with Trumer Schutzbauten, a global leader in rockfall protection, our Australian customers receive exceptional products and expertise in the fields of rockfall protection and slope stabilisation. Find out more about Geoquest here.

Contact our protection specialist, Ignacio Hirthe, or your local Geoquest Australia office for more information on our rockfall netting and barrier protection solutions.

For assistance, please contact our local experts

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