High-strength reinforcement geosynthetic, ArmaLynk, Launched in Australia
Geoquest Australia has unveiled its ArmaLynk geogrid to the Australian market; a ground-breaking solution for high strength ground stabilisation in infrastructure projects.
ArmaLynk, which incorporates high tensile geosynthetic strips, is designed to enhance the construction of roads, bridges, railways, and heavy-duty pavements. The product has been embraced globally for its efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and robust performance.
The following excerpt from a recent Roads & Infrastructure magazine article investigates this innovative geogrid.
What is ArmaLynk
ArmaLynk incorporates high tensile geosynthetic strips, amongst other components to produce a geogrid for use in ground stabilisation needs to support the construction of roads, bridges, railways and heavy-duty pavements.
Somnath Biswas, Zone Manager, Asia – Geoquest, has been involved developing and manufacturing geosynthetic applications since the early 1990s, and leads the manufacture and supply of the company’s ArmaLynk solution. He’s seen the engineering world embrace what he says has been a “breakthrough” product for the sector.
“The use of geosynthetics in infrastructure projects is becoming more popular due to installation efficiency, cost competitiveness over conventional solutions whilst ensuring mid-to long-term performance,” Biswas says.
“It’s an exciting time and I’m excited more and more about the development of customised products to suit specialised applications.”
Biswas says ArmaLynk satisfies this criterion.
“It’s a high-performance, high-strength reinforcement geosynthetic. The product is made from both high tenacity polyester (PET) and PVA yarns and is mainly used for basal reinforcement applications,” Biswas says.
ArmaLynk Applications
“These applications include embankments on soft and very soft foundations, piled embankments or load transfer platforms, bridging over voids and subsidence, as well as piggy-backing landfills. ArmaLynk can also be used for construction of reinforced steep slopes.”
The ArmaLynk product is now available in Australia. It has already been used for embankment reinforcement applications in Europe and Asia. Bi-axial ArmaLynk has also recently been used to stabilise load platforms in Malaysia.
These works exemplified benefits over the use of conventional materials and methods.
“ArmaLynk is a global high-performance reinforcement brand with several versatility of product characteristics. These include low modulus, ultra-high strengths, composites with drainage and separation, filtration capabilities and special grades with high frictional resistance for marginal fills,” Biswas says.
Contact your local Geoquest Australia office to discuss using ArmaLynk in your next infrastructure project.